Phase 3, Ruby on Rails!

Chris Lechner
1 min readApr 5, 2021

The end of phase three brings me to writing another blog post. This time around I’ll be writing about my experience learning and creating an application using Rails. I kept with my same theme of breweries, allowing users to list different beers they have tried and which breweries they came from as well as the ability to leave a comment and a rating. From the homepage anybody can view all of the beers that have been added by all users but you must be signed in to be able to add to the list. Signup and login can be accomplished using an email and password or google.

I found that Rails made the process of creating an app so much easier than using Sinatra. While Rails is still ruby it includes so many helpful features. My favorite of which are the generators! Rails will generate models, controllers, and migrations as well as many other useful things.

I used a gem called Devise for user authentication and another called OmniAuth for the google login. I had some trouble getting these set up and working properly but with a bit of research and help from fellow students everything is working as planned.

I am looking forward to the next phase of the Flatiron program which is JavaScript. I am excited to see what cool things I can do after learning how to write inn that language.

